FDIC Dividends from Failed Banks
What is a Dividend?
When a financial institution is closed, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ("FDIC") is appointed as Receiver and the closed financial institution is placed into receivership. One of FDIC's responsibilities is to liquidate the closed financial institution's assets to pay the depositors and creditors. If there is any excess cash generated by the disposition of these assets, then a dividend may be distributed to the proven claimants.
A "claim" is an assertion of indebtedness of a failed institution to a depositor or to a party which has a non-deposit liability such as a general creditor, subordinated debt holder, or shareholder. Individuals or entities that are able to prove the indebtedness are considered proven claimants and may receive distributions also known as receivership dividends.
Receivership dividends are distributions of cash to proven claimants of the failed institution (the receivership). The cash is generated through the liquidation of receivership assets. The intent of the FDIC's receivership dividend policy is to distribute cash in the form of dividends to proven claimants of the receivership as sufficient cash accumulates in the receivership.
Address Changes:
Please notify the FDIC of any address changes by writing to: FDIC 600 North Pearl Street Suite 700 Dallas, Texas 75201 Attn: Claims Department
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Priority of Dividends:
All receiverships established after August 10, 1993, must distribute dividends according to the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, 12 U.S.C. § 1821(d)(11)(A), which mandates the following payment priorities:
1. Administrative expenses of the Receiver;
2. Any deposit liability of the institution (Priority Paid – Depositor);
3. Any other general or senior liability of the institution (Priority Paid - General Trade Creditor);
4. Any subordinated obligations (Priority Paid – Sub Debt);
5. Any obligations to the shareholders or members (including holding companies and their creditors) (Priority Paid – Shareholders).
Types of Dividends:
Advance: The FDIC Board of Directors authorizes this type of dividend, in advance of the financial institution closing. Authorization is obtained in the Failing Institution Board case. Dividends paid to proven uninsured depositors (usually paid within 30 days of closing).
Traditional: Dividends paid from the net proceeds are derived from converting assets of the institution to cash. Such a dividend may be paid on proven claims in order of their priority. This is the most common type of dividend paid.
Post Insolvency Interest: This dividend is paid once a receivership has paid 100% of the original claim amount on the uninsured depositor and unsecured creditors.
Final: Dividends paid from the remaining proceeds derived from converting the final assets of the institution to cash. Such a dividend may be paid to uninsured depositors and unsecured creditors with proven claims, and others in order of their priority. This type of dividend is the last and final dividend paid.
How often are dividends paid?
The FDIC conducts quarterly reviews of the financial statements of each receivership to determine if sufficient funds are available to pay dividends. As funds become available, dividends may be distributed. Disbursements for a dividend on a claim less than $25.00 are held until the aggregate total dividend paid on a claim exceeds $25.00.
Questions or Additional Information:
For any questions or information pertaining to dividends paid or this web page please email your questions or comments to:
dividends@fdic.gov .
Current Dividend Payments:
Using the following search option, select either the complete listing of all banks or a specific bank from the pull-down menu. The list displayed includes the institution(s) that have failed since September 1, 1999.
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